Thursday, 19 May 2016

Class Dojo - an update!

After speaking with a number of you lovely parents at the recent Parent Teacher Interviews it came to my attention that knowing the weighting of each area of points was probably quite useful.  So as promised, here are two screenshots that show the newly adjusted weighting of each point area.  I have also included the behaviours for which students lose points and the weighting of these also.  Any questions please don't hesitate to ask or message me on ClassDojo.

Kind regards
A voiceless Mrs C.

These are the positive areas of behaviour and the weighting of points for each behaviour:

These are the negative areas of behaviour and the weighting of points for each behaviour:


  1. what dose M.Y.O.B mean

    1. Thanks for your question! It means Minding Your Own Behaviour. This is encouraging our team members to be self managing learners.

    2. good one for the kids
