Friday, 8 April 2016

Our Identity

Room 2 have been exploring their identity as part of our Whanaungatanga topic.  Here are some of our identity artworks (done with Whaea Toni as part of our Te Reo lessons) and our explanations of why we used the particular symbols that we did.

I think you will agree that they did a fantastic job!

I will keep adding to this post as they are completed so please keep checking back if your child's is not here yet, some of us are still finishing off on Monday.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Celebrating Clever Chorus!

Chorus has been learning about how to be a great bucket filler and how it sometimes means taking care of others before ourselves.  We have been exploring the story Horton Hatches the Egg, here is her example of how Horton showed he was a bucket filler while looking after his egg...

In maths Chorus has been learning how to add with the number 5.  Here is her clever work in maths adding on to the number 5:

Chorus we love your smiley attitude to learning in Room 2!

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Tamaiti Mua

Kia ora whanau!

Part of our Tamaiti Mua initiative is total collaboration between home and school.  I invite you to join us on ClassDojo.

Today I have sent you an invitation to join your child's account, from here you can view how they are going in class, their homework tracking etc.  I can also send you messages and images if your child has done something during the day that they are particularly proud of.

Our blog is where we celebrate learning but there are times during the day where I can share individual's progress directly with you.  I am all about blasting the walls of our classroom away, where you can access your child's learning and progress anytime, from anywhere.  All you need is your phone.

The invitation your child brings home with them today has a crossed out section (I have already got this part up and running) and a highlighted code with instructions, this part is for your information so that you can connect with us.

Here is an example of what your invitation looks like:

See you on ClassDojo!

Monday, 4 April 2016

Super Statistics!

In our class we are learning about statistics and how to carry out a statistical investigations.

Our teacher has shared our learning intentions with us.  By the end of this week we will be able to:
  • Pose questions for investigation
  • Collect category data
  • Display data in tally charts, uniform pictograms & bar charts
  • Make statements about data displays
  • Collect data looking for trends and talking about these using evidence (what the data shows).
Here is the first session where Mrs C introduced us to statistics, what it is all about and how to gather information.  
We couldn't remember much about statistics from earlier years at school.  It has been a long time between graphs!
We decided to find out which Superhero is Room 2's favourite.  Here are photos of some of us filling out a tally chart:

This is what our tally chart looked like at the end.  You can see some of the questions that Mrs C asked us about the data.  Keep checking back to see us carrying out our own statistical investigations.  Ask us about what we have been learning and what we found out!