Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Happy Healthy Harold

This week Room 2 were lucky to spend some time in the Life Education Van with our friends Harold and Kapa.  Here are some photos of our time in there:

We have been learning about how each of us has a bucket (our feelings), when people dip into our buckets this makes us feel sad, but when someone fills our bucket by saying something nice we feel happy again!

Harold shared his problem with us, his friends had been talking over him when he was talking and emptied Harold's bucket.  This made Room 2's hearts feel really sad...

We taught Harold's friends how to fill up Harold's bucket again so that he started to feel happy.

We decided to surprise Harold to make him feel a bit better.

We love you Harold!

This is Kapa, she is Harold's best friend and she taught us a lot about our feelings buckets and how to look after each others.

 Thank you Kapa and Harold, we know to look after each other and be "Bucket Fillers" not "Bucket Dippers".

1 comment:

  1. Well done Super Heroes and Mrs C and thank you Kapa and Harold dor the valuable lessons
