We have been learning how to solve maths problems using a number line. To solve this we need to know place value, our friends of ten, our basic facts and our tens family (10, 20, 30 etc). Here is a video of Kiara solving a tricky problem using this strategy. She speaks quietly so you will have to listen really well. Ka pai Kiara, that is pretty clever working alright!
We are so excited today! Mrs C has introduced us to Genius Hour.
What is this Genius Hour that you speak of Mrs C?
(Luckily we knew you would ask this question so here is a video that explains it for us - thanks YouTube!)
This is a time where we get to choose our learning and what we will be learning about in this time. We have Genius Hour every Thursday from 11.20 - 12.20. Feel free to pop in and check out what we are up to.
Early next week Mrs C will post a video using the Explain Everything app with us sharing our wonderings, make sure you check back later on. See you then!
We have been learning lots about how others perceive our actions, what this means for friendship and what others will think of me as a result. We have had a huge focus on how we can fill other people's buckets by using this slogan "we are kind, we are helpful, we are Super Heroes."
Here is Mafi Otukolo explaining what he does to be a bucket filler. Keep checking back as more of us add ours to this post.
Kia ora Mafi, we think you are pretty awesome and definitely fill other people's buckets with your acts of kindness.
This is Jazzaniah explaining why she is a great bucket filler:
Jazzaniah, you have only been in our class a few weeks but we can already see you are an expert when it comes to acts of kindness. Keep it up!
Reegan explains what makes a bucket filler a good one:
Well Reegan you certainly are very good at doing all of these things, we are pretty lucky to have you in Room 2! You are an acts of kindness super star!
In Room 2 we have been learning about filling each other's buckets with nice compliments and making each other feel special. Here is our artwork with Harold sharing some of our learning:
This week Room 2 were lucky to spend some time in the Life Education Van with our friends Harold and Kapa. Here are some photos of our time in there:
We have been learning about how each of us has a bucket (our feelings), when people dip into our buckets this makes us feel sad, but when someone fills our bucket by saying something nice we feel happy again!
Harold shared his problem with us, his friends had been talking over him when he was talking and emptied Harold's bucket. This made Room 2's hearts feel really sad...
We taught Harold's friends how to fill up Harold's bucket again so that he started to feel happy.
We decided to surprise Harold to make him feel a bit better.
We love you Harold!
This is Kapa, she is Harold's best friend and she taught us a lot about our feelings buckets and how to look after each others.
Thank you Kapa and Harold, we know to look after each other and be "Bucket Fillers" not "Bucket Dippers".
In Room 2 we have been exploring our super powers and how they make us incredible learners. We all agreed that super powers combined would make us stronger together. We have created this visual treaty for Room 2, what better way to show our commitment as learners to our class than as one united super cape!
Here is our cape and our whakataukī for our year in Room 2:
Today is Michaela's seventh birthday, here is a photo of Michaela and her Mum with the amazing cake that she brought to share with us. Thanks for the birthday cake Michaela and Lisa! We hope you had an awesome day today with your friends in Room 2.
We have been learning about Whanaungatanga in our class with Whaea Toni. This is the core of our learning for this term. We will also explore this further in the Life Education Van during the next two weeks. Whanaungatanga is about relating to others, feeling safe and secure and having a sense of belonging.
This is our art about our whanau, can you find your whanau in these pictures?