Thursday, 29 June 2017

Matariki Celebration

Here are some photos of our Matariki Celebration evening this week for you to enjoy:


Stage 3 - learning to partition to 10, then add the rest on.

Mrs C's stage 3 group have been learning the number bonds that make 10:

0 + 10
1 + 9
2 + 8
3 + 7
4 + 6
5 + 5
6 + 4
7 + 3
8 + 2
9 + 1
10 + 0

Now, they are learning to partition the second number when adding to make a ten first ( this is a much easier number to add with!). Check out some photos of them working with this new strategy...

Monday, 26 June 2017

Slytherin Flying High

Today Mrs C's Slytherin group made paper planes and used our feet to measure how far they had flown.  Here are some snippets of our time together today:

Persia and Aniyah concentrating on making their paper planes.

Isaia and Jadyn enjoyed folding and bending the paper to try different designs.

Nearly done!

Here we go...up...up...and away!

Finished, here we are with our designer paper planes

Passion Projects

Part of our tinana learning is following our own line of inquiry - our own passion project.  Here is the Kid President (who Room 2 love) giving us a pep talk - followed by an explanation for you of what Passion Projects are:

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Logan and Matthias presenting...

We have been busy working on a report about Whales.  Have a look and leave us a comment to tell us what you think of our work.

Here it is:

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Isaia Sharing Pirates Gold

Isaia has been practicing how to share a number equally.  He is pretty good with pirate treasure so check out how well he does in this short clip...

Tipaula Tests Sharing Equally.

Tipaula has been learning how to share equally.  Check out how he goes with the help of this learning video.  Sharing equally is also known as division.

Essence Shares Equally.

Essence has been practising equal sharing (this is also known as division) do you think she did?

Suia Shows us to Share Equally

Suia has been practicing her equal sharing!  She has learned how to split numbers up into equal groups.  This is also called division.  Can you tell that this girl's long term goal is to be a teacher?

Cooper Subitizes

Cooper has been learning to subitize.  That's a fancy word for patterns.  We find numbers a whole lot easier when we know these basic patterns.  Check out Cooper, proving he can subitize!  Awesome work Cooper.

Aniyah Shares Equally

In this video Aniyah is proving to Mrs C that she can share equally.  She had to look at the problems in the learning video and work out the answer.  She is learning that division isn't that scary.

Check out the equal sharing pro:

TK proves he knows what to do with Place Value!

Here is TK proving that he can work with the place values of numbers, partition them out into individual places and then put them back together as a whole number.

Awesome work TK!

Monday, 12 June 2017

Spotted being passionate about his learning outside of school.

Last night, Mrs C was working on her computer when she went into her drive and someone in our class had sneaked back into workspace to work on their presentation about their body.  That someone was Tipaula.  Well done for being passionate about your work and wanting to continue it in your own time.  

Here is what Mrs C saw...

Awesome work Tipaula.  Room 2 are allowed to work in their workspace after school and it can count towards homework points if Mrs C sees this happening.

TK takes his learning out of the Classroom!

Wow, Mrs C was just checking her emails and this clever superhero has gone home and created his own Whales fact sheet.  I love it when my learners take their learning outside of the four walls of our classroom and get super excited when they share it with me so we can celebrate their learning.

Way to go TK!  Keep it up, maybe you can show others in our class how to do this.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Krue can count in 10s up to 100!

Mrs C has been challenging us again!  Here is a video of Krue blasting counting in tens out of the water!  Good on you Krue.

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Phoenix Proves it!

Mrs C challenges the kids in our class to prove that they have mastered new number knowledge in maths.  Here is Phoenix's video to prove to Mrs C that he can in fact count in 10s up to 100...well done Phoenix!

Persia Proves it!

Mrs C challenges the kids in Room 2 to prove that they have mastered new number knowledge in maths.  Here is Persia's video to prove to Mrs C that she can in fact count in 10s up to 100...

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Measurers with Skills

Mrs C's Slytherin group have been learning about measuring.  They have looked at 1cm on a ruler and explored how mm can convert to decimals, fractions and 0.5 is the same as 1/2!  Here are some photos of these measurement experts finding out the exact measurement between two lines.  They are so super clever and could explain how 9.3 is the same as 9 and 0.3 of a cm OR 93mm OR 9cm and 3/10.

These clever kids deserve a special mention for all of their super learning about measurement.

Check them out while they work:

Hmmm, is this shorter than 10cm?  What's this, it's not exactly on a number...oh no!  What do I do now?

Hmmm something makes me think those scissors are bigger than 10cm Aniyah!

I just love Jadyn's enthusiasm, he looks pretty relaxed about this measuring business...

Isaia, I think you're right.   It's come up a tad short.  What are you going to do now?

Check out this clever mathematician...if at first you don't succeed...fold the paper smaller!

Let's get measuring!

Persia measured the distance between her marks and wrote the measurement herself.  Well done!

Wahoo Jadyn, you clever thing.  Look at that accurate measuring.

This cool customer was fairly confident of her measuring and could explain how she got the measurement 21.7cm.

Mr accurate, 24.5cm and he remembered he could say 24.5 or 24 and 1/2 cm

Matthias you are loving learning through measurement and you are getting pretty good at it too.

The rest of Room 2 had to find out what our secret Slytherin group had been up too...

A Handy Situation

Mrs C's Slytherin maths group have been learning about measuring with non-standard units.  This means not measuring with a ruler but finding another way to measure.  We looked at our handspans and we used them to measure things in our classroom.  

Mrs C gave us cm square blocks that we used to measure how many cms long our handspans are.  Here are photos of us measuring our handspans:

Persia concentrating on lining them up correctly so she didn't get a false measurement.

I didn't even dare talk to Matthias, he was so deep in concentration.

Isaia was pretty serious about this measuring business!

Matthias looks pretty happy with himself!  Great job super star!

Isaia was still going, so was Jadyn.  It took us quite a while but our handspans were between 13-19cm long.  We thought this was pretty amazing!